OCD: What is it? Do we need to be afraid of it? Symptoms, Cause, and Treatment of it.


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OCD is a common psychiatric disorder; it is commonly found in 2-3% of people. Generally, OCD is related to the disease of negative thoughts and fighting with negative thoughts. OCD has common symptoms, and that’s why this is more ignored. People go very late to the psychotherapist because there are many misconceptions about this disorder, and people don’t understand or identify them quickly. In today’s session, I will talk about general OCD and all of its properties and factors. So, let’s start our discussion.

What is OCD?

The full form of OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is a mental disorder. OCD contains two terms- obsession and compulsion.

The first term is an obsession. Obsession is any thought or any image that comes repetitively into our minds and creates anxiety. You know that it is illogical thought, coming into your mind without any reason, again and again. You want to stop this thought but you can’t. This thought is called obsession.

There are many types of obsessions, like some people have an obsession with contamination or dirt. They think that their hands are dirty or the floor is dirty. Or this can be the thought that I do not confirm everything. You have shut the door, but still, you think that it may not be closed properly. It can be about God or religion, like evil thoughts about God, wrong ideas about religion. These thoughts, if they create anxiety, are included in obsessions.

Obsessions have a property that they come repetitively, and the person can’t control them; when the person fails to manage them, he does some activities that relax him for a little time. These activities are called compulsion.

Let’s say a person has the obsession that his hands are dirty. This thought will come again and again in his mind and creates anxiety. When the person fails to control them, he finally washes his hands and feels a bit relaxed. This washing hand is a compulsion. Compulsion relaxes the person for a little time, but after some time, the obsession comes again, and he has to repeat the compulsion. This chain of obsession and compulsion is called Obsession Compulsion Disorder or OCD.

Causes of OCD:

We should understand that we all have negative thoughts, but we have the power to ignore them or stop them from taking control of us and making us anxious. The patient who suffers from OCD has lost the capacity to overlook and control; let’s have a technical look at why this happens.

When something happens in our mind, our neurons emit a special kind of chemical. When we have a negative thought, a chemical called ‘Serotonin’ helps us to ignore it. The deficiency of this chemical can help the review to take control over us and create anxiety. So, the lack of serotonin causes OCD.

Causes of OCD are mainly are genetic, or it may be due to your stressful life. If anyone of their parents has a mental disorder, then it can be found in the child. And stresses can also play a vital role in increasing the symptoms of OCD. For example, when someone dies in a person’s family, then the person might get the obsessions that the other persons of his family are not safe, they might die too.

Treatment of OCD:

To treat OCD, there is a combination approach of medication and psychotherapy (Commonly known as counseling.) Both are equally important in medicine.

The medicines used to treat OCD are called SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). The treatments are used to balance the lack of serotonin. This process is long and takes about a year to recover fully.

The other aspect of the treatment is psychotherapy. There are held multiple sessions with the patient, and the therapist takes him through mental challenges. In these sessions, the patient is asked to do the things that create obsessive thoughts. Then the patient has to control the compulsion. This process makes the patient think the obsessions are not harmful. This is called Exposure Response Prevention Therapy or ERP.

There are other techniques also. One of them is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. The patients are taught to identify negative thinking causes and replace them with positive habits with their assertive behaviour.


It is the best option to win the battle with OCD in the present scenario. In this option, you are provided online counselling by our experts. In this online session, the experts listen to your problems, analyze the situation, and give the phone solution. We make you think, and we tell you the facts so that your disorder will go away. If you want to have an online session with our experts, you can contact us.

We give counseling for anxiety, Phobia, Panic attacks, OCD, Depression, etc.…. You can take counseling sessions on parenting and relationships also.

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Thank You for Reading.

Written By Shyam Sunder(The Rest Frame)

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